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Mike's Grizzly - Spring Season

Having applied for a very difficult-to-get limited entry grizzly draw last year, Mike found out that he was one of the successful applicants. The hunt was designated for a specific area and time frame, and he got well prepared. On the 4th day of the hunt, he made a great stalk on this nice bear.

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Coralee's First Deer - September 2

My granddaughter was eager to begin hunting this year and she practiced diligently with the .243 throughout the summer. When season opened, we found ourselves in a good ambush spot. On the second evening, she made an excellent shot on this nice buck. I don't know who was more pleased, her or me.

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Aaron's Archery Elk - September 2

Meanwhile, also on September 2, Aaron was hunting the early archery season 140 miles away. Several elk gave him the slip on opening day but he put an arrow into this nice bull on day 2. Hunting by himself, he had a bit of a job to get the elk out but solved that easily by making 2 trips, only half an elk at a time.

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Archery Whitetail Doe - October 12

Doe season began October 10; I missed the opener, and the second day was very slow. But early on the third morning of the season, I had no less than a dozen deer around me and this one presented a nice broadside shot at 34 yards. She fell within sight, traveling only about 40 yards after the shot.

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Aaron Finishes Our Season - November 20

The area where Aaron got his elk earlier was a favorite this year. With the rut still on, Aaron hunted it in the snow. He caught up with this buck in the ideal hunting conditions.

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