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Whitetail Buck - September

The early archery season at the beginning of September started off with lots of action; I had several bucks come close that I elected to let pass, including this one twice. When Aaron arrived for a couple days, he was more sensible than I and shot it when the opportunity presented itself. The buck ran only about 30 yards before it fell.

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Whitetail Buck - December 1

After the September archery season was over and I had let too many nice bucks walk, activity slowed down through October and into a very cold November. It warmed up a bit for the late archery season in December and, being a fair weather hunter, I headed out again. This one was much smaller than some I had let go earlier but I was happy anyway.

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Whitetail Doe - December 4

Just a few days after getting my buck, this doe came to the same spot and offered an identical shot opportunity. She, like the buck, stood only a little over 20 yards away and ran 60 or so yards before expiring. I used the same arrow and same broadhead for both shots and both were complete pass throughs.

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