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Prior to 1987


At one time it never occurred to me to take field pictures of harvested game. Consequently, there were many not recorded and this picture was taken several years after the hunt. It was the first big deer I had ever shot. At the time, there was a minimum requirement of five points on at least one side to be legal. The night before this guy showed up, I had to pass on a really huge 4-point.



This nice five point whitetail was taken on the first day of the season, September 1, and is still in velvet. Aaron convinced me to take him out in the evening and assumed full credit for the success. Hey, nice firearm Aaron!



Here is a real old warrior who had lived a full life. His teeth were all worn right down, his ears were tattered from various altercations, and he had acquired three broken ribs somewhere along the way. Having luck is better than being skilled at times; I blundered into him while out for a load of firewood. Since Aaron got credit for the whitetail, Mike laid claim to the mule deer.



This small 4x5 is memorable for the stalk that worked perfectly early one foggy morning.


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