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1991 &1992


There are few things sweeter than harvesting your first deer - or being with one of your kids when he accomplishes the feat. Aaron did just that early in the 1991 season. Our early morning sojourn got exciting when two bucks headed casually for their daytime cover and Aaron dropped this one from 100 yards. He used my old British .303, the gun I shot my first deer with many years before.



At my favorite spot for the last four years, this buck came in to check the resident population of does early on a mid November morning.



With a career change happening in the Fall of 1992, I didn't anticipate much time for hunting. So when I caught these two bucks gobbling down my oats right at the beginning of the season, I took the opportunity that was offered. After all, my oats were at risk. Note that one deer is still in velvet while the other had just finished rubbing his off and he still had bark ground in near the bases.



Aaron continued his enthusiastic hunting and got this nice 2-point one evening in October on the neighbor's farm. He made a perfect lung shot and we got the whole thing on Video!


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