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1993 & 1994


I turned down this good 5-point on the first and second days of the season. On my preseason scouting trips, I had seen him in the company of a considerably larger 6-point and fully expected the bigger one to follow this one up the hill both mornings. But that didn't happen. A week into the season, I caught him on his way to the bedding area again and chose to seize the opportunity. Those ripe oats are on my farm way in the background.



This was Mike's first hunting season and he was gushing with enthusiasm. Getting up at 5:00 AM was no problem; in fact, the alarm usually didn't even ring. About a week after I got my buck, we hunkered down in the same blind before daylight. Along came this nice buck right on schedule and Mike dropped him from about 75 yards. The smile tells it all!



With our old haunts becoming increasingly pressured, we broke some new ground this year. We saw this buck one evening about half a mile from where Mike eventually shot him. I saw it for a second time one morning in early November and took Mike to this location a few mornings later. Exactly as it had done for me, it strolled up a trail about 50 yards from our position and Mike dropped it in its tracks. Note the odd antlers, having 4 points on one side but only a single down-turned spike on the other.



Well, I liked the spot so much where Mike shot his deer, I returned several mornings later. A doe and fawn came up the trail exactly as Mike's buck had, and paused right below me. This buck surprised me from my blind side, coming to visit the doe.


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