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Mike shot this fine whitetail buck early in the 1996 season. We were hunting together, him by archery and me with rifle. The buck passed through the trees about 75 yards from us, so Mike temporarily traded in the bow for the gun. A nice heart shot anchored the deer very quickly.


This was my first year hunting with archery tackle and I've never had so many really close encounters with deer. When I finally shot this mule deer in October, he ran full tilt for about 150 yards and then expired from the double lung hit. The shot was 28 yards.


Then, in late November, I acquired a whitetail; no monster for sure, but a great ambush site resulted in a perfect 20-yard broadside opportunity.


1996 was also Mike's first year of bowhunting. He got this sleek doe on the last day of the season with a lot of composure and a 12-yard lung shot.


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