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Mike's September Whitetail; he had a couple almost-excellent chances with his bow early in the season but some little detail always thwarted him. So he packed the .243 on one of our evening hunts and dropped this buck in his tracks at 100 yards.


Typical mid-November morning in my favorite territory. At dawn, the deer come up the draw and head across the flat to their bedding areas. I've seen some great deer here, but have yet to be in the right spot at the right time to tag one of the really big ones with my bow.


I often stand between the two trees seen here and have had many great encounters in this spot. This season, I had a nice 2-point mule deer bed down 30 feet from me and a doe grazing so close I could have hit her with a watermelon pit - or maybe even a whole watermelon.


At first light one morning, I located three bucks, all about the same size. Two were having a leisurely sparring match and the third was just standing around watching. I stalked to within 11 yards of the spectator and, after my shot took out his heart, he travelled only 40 yards.


I know, I know! This doesn't look at all like a deer. But I WAS deer hunting and it walked past at 35 yards. When it stopped and looked the opposite direction, I drew and and shot before he even realized I was there.


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