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Figure 4 -- The knife has been used to slice through the hide and outer muscle right to the sternum (left side of picture) and through the abdominal wall to reveal the paunch (right side).


With your knife, cut competely around the anus. This will allow its extraction through the split pelvic canal shortly. Now use the saw to cut completely through the sternum into the chest cavity (figure 5). Then cut through the pelvis with it, being very cautious not to nick the bladder, which may be quite full of urine (figure 8, next page). Now cut completely around the 'poop chute' with your knife so that it is detached from the pelvic canal.


Figure 5 -- Sierra saw being used to cut the sternum and open up the chest cavity. Note the beginning of the abdominal cavity with the liver (dark) visible on the extreme right of the picture.



Figure 6 -- Slicing the diaphragm muscle, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. Ribs in the chest are visible on the left and the liver in the abdomen is on the right.


Continuing with the knife, cut both diaphragm muscles, which separate the chest cavity from the abdomen (figure 6), all the way from the surface incision to as close to the backbone as you can get. Make this cut as close as you can to the rib cage. Then reach up through the chest cavity as far forward as possible and cut the trachea and esophagus (figure 7). You are now ready to pull the entire complex of innards out in one fell swoop.


Figure 7 -- The trachea and eosophagus have just been severed as far forward in the chest cavity as one can reach. They will now be pulled toward the rear of the animal, bringing the bulk of the internal organs along as a single unit.
