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A great woman once said, "A monkey who eats green banannas probably likes green banannas."

Ok, so that may not have happened- but how do YOU know? Is your mind so pompous & arrogant that you can't even concieve the possible idea that somewhere, someone in this vast, vast universe has said this exact same phrase? Yeah, didn't think so.

Please leave all inhibitions at the door


Quick Facts

Name: Lisa
Biological Age: Perfectly LEGAL
Mental Age: at the "I'M TELLING" stage
Looks: like the picture here, add 18.3 yrs
Resides: Beautiful British Columbia
School: University of Victoria

Lisa's Likes: contagiously happy people, spreading smiles, eating from an internatonal menu, sleeping in, comfy days, finding money, The Simpsons, high fashion, shopping, handsfree-cordless phones, intellectuals, Perrier and neon signed night life.

Lisa's Dislikes: grey skies, florescent lighting, bad food, bad service, grumpy & cocky know-it-alls, cigarettes, chlorinated water, fakers/posers, people who insist on being bitchy, party-poopers, finding unexpected dirt, meanies and pink cells .

Venting, Ranting & General Trash Talk

March 29th 2001
It's Lisa's webpage, with a new look, so whaddya think? Didn't think I'd get off my lazy butt and actually finish did ya? Don't be shakin' your head, I know lots of you doubted me. I recall some threatening ICQ messages "Lisa finish your page!" etc etc.... Well, there ya go, you must be so proud! Sadly though, this page isn't finished.
Art is never finished, it is merely abandonned" ~Picasso This being said, mnay of you are probably wondering why I'm doing this whole online- public- journal- thing like so many other people. I don't care if you don't want to read this, in fact I'm actually shocked if you are still reading this. Firslty, this isn't really a journal, it's more of my incomprehensable ranting and bitching, so those who know me, I'm sparing you 3 hours on the phone so we can talk about more important things, by writing the "trivial" stuff here. Yup, nothing but good stuff. Look forward to more later. I'm gonna try to make it a habit to write and write as part of my procrastination/ stress relieving technique. So what if I don't get school crap done? Hmmm, I better shut up now and do some homework before that thunder bolt hits my head. CHEERS.
July 14th 2001
After reading my gusetbook posts, it seems lots of you peeps want me to post pics of you up here...what do you think i am? A dating service? =P j/j Unfortunately Win2000 isn't compatible with my scanner, so hang on to your underwear, it's gonna be a while until I get my procrastinating ass in gear. =)