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(9/23/99) To bring everyone up to speed: Ian accepted a job at in San Diego. His last show with Chump Change was on July 27th with Anti-Flag. Brooks replaced Ian on drums. Sarah replaced Ian on business-handlings. Their first show with Brooks was on August 13th at a house show (the Got Milf? house) where the Ataris were supposed to play. The show got ABC-busted into Chump Change's third song. Chump Change played September 11th at the Appamattox Iron Works for the Richmond Animal League. Pictures from the Anti-Flag show and the September 11th show will be up soon. Just let me find someone that has a scanner within at the most a 30-minute distance from my house. And none of Cheryl's e-mail addresses are working, so for now, report all technical difficulties to me. Also of note, Richweb killed the old Chump Change page the day after Ian left, it's dead Jim. love.sarah

(10/1/99) Uh, it's done. I finally got pictures up, at least from the Appamattox show cos I took those myself. My friend Shane scanned them. I guess the picture section is structured like the picture part of the old Chump Change page, which is okay, though the pictures are a good size for my webtv, it's gonna look weird and too big on a normal computer monitor. And I'm sorry if the pictures take awhile to come up, but I don't think there's much I can do about it right now. I'll get the pictures from the Anti-Flag show eventually. Yeah, I'm too fucking lazy to drive 5 minutes to Debbie's house and get them. Besides the fact that I'd get lost. Convoluted suburban neighborhoods, drive me nuts....Also of note since the link to Chump Change's first album on is on here, they've thrown out just about all of the songs on their first album except for "Dictate", "Shooting Stars", and maybe "Super Sappy Poppy Happy". They don't play em anymore. They have been replaced by "Amanda and Her Ugly Friends", "The Wake-Up Song", "Arbitrator", "W.W.J.D. (We Want Jack Daniels)" and one or two other new songs. The titles escape my mind at the moment. Wes and Travis are always writing new stuff. And yeah, I know "W.W.J.D." is kinda old, I'm just naming stuff that isn't on "The Squirl in Your Head". love.sarah

(10/6/99) For your convience, I have shrunk the pictures. love.sarah

(12/16/99) Chump Change's last show is on Wednesday, December 29th in Fredericksburg (see shows). Matt, Wes, and Travis are putting together a new band (Matt says it'll be like Chump Change, only snottier, with a new guitarist, drummer, and name that is better than "Chump Change" cos all of us hate that name...and oh yeah, working harder to differentiate themselves from the other poppunk bands in the area). Brooks is already in another band that he began a little bit before joining (when they start playing shows, look for fliers that read ex-Funsize, ex-TFA, and ex-Chump Change, supposedly) and I have no clue what Kelsey is doing...more violin lessons and graduating high school I guess. Kinda sad, but eventual (Chump Change breaking up, not Kelsey graduating). Will I ever post the pictures from the past 2-3 shows? I don't know. I have no scanner still. And I've already decided that this site will stay up until Matt commissions me to do the new page...probably in the next 2-4 months. love.sarah