These people are my friends. I know, it's strange, isn't it? hehehe... They are the most deranged people on earth. Enjoy!
Mike has been my friend since we were 6. He is one of my bestestestest friends. I can tell Mike anything and I know I can trust him. Besides me, he's the person who knows the most about me. He has a really cool webpage with... well, some pretty interesting photos. (he's quite an exhibitionist!) He's into Björk, PJ Harvey, Tricky, Ewan McGregor, and other stuff... like Japanamation! His website is
Nick is my good friend. I've known OF him since I was 6. He was 9 and all I ever really knew about him until grade ten was that he was Mike's older brother. Nick is cool. He's probably got the most intricate personality of anyone I've ever known. He's always fun to talk to. He's into Pantera, KMFDM, The Neverending Story, and he hates Supermodels. His site is
here and it reveals a lot about how a Nick works. :D
Julianne is a good friend of mine. It all started when we were in grade eight... We were in the same homeroom. Ah and now she's left us all and moved onto an island. *bitter* She's one of the most disturbed people I've ever met. Which, incidentally, is why she fits in our group so well. hehehe... Yeah, Julianne's great. She has a kick-ass website..
Click here!