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More and More of Them!


Erin has been my sister for a whole 16 years! She's great. She's three years older than me. I believe she had something to do with how I became so screwed up. She likes to talk to things... like our cat. She calls it Haagen Dazs... Not that I don't... It's just... meh. I call Erin 'Arnon' all the time. Many people are afraid of her. She taints everyone with her insanity. Just look at her in that picture! Hmmph... University students. hehehe... Erin and I were never those kind of siblings that tell on each other. We were and are the kind that are too mature for that... We'd always swear to keep our promises to each other. Erin would say 'Swear it on the bible?' hahaha... We look back on that all the time and when we promise things now she says 'Swear it on the bible?' and we have a good chuckle.


...At least we think her name is Theresa. Possibly Teresa. I'm not sure. Anyways, she worked at this place I hung out at after I had rehearsals for Addict. The place is called Afterthoughts, and luckily enough, she worked there and I got a chance to see her every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Oh she's not my friend... yet. And another lucky thing is that one of my childhood friends works there so I got her name from the friend. :D I was like 'hey, there's this girl that looks like a friend of my friend's. I don't remember her name... What was that girl's name who was working here yesterday?' And so on. It was great. No, I'm not stalking her, like Marla says, but she always brightened up my day... even though all she ever said was 'Do you want that in a cup with ice?' when I ordered my usual Jones Soda. I once walked a 30 minute walk just for no reason but thriving on the hunch she might be there. It was great. She hadn't been there for a while... Which made me feel sad, and then on Sebtember 20th I found out that a week or so before that, Theresa had gone away to university! But I will find her! *laughs evilly* I have this very picture of her taped onto my biology textbook to remind me of my summer escapism. That'd be funny if she turned out to like Claire Danes and stumbled onto my site and saw her picture... hahahaha!