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About Me

Hello. I'm Ashley. I haven't updated this page in so long. I'm sorry for not having more Claire Danes stuff up. I'll try. I have two other sites though. But I don't really work on those either. Right now I'm at home and it smells like piss. I think my cat peed on the couch but I don't want to clean it up because she hasn't been my responsibility for a month, therefore I am not accountable for the fluids she drank before I got here. Anyways, yeah.. I've been living in Victoria and it's okay. I like spending the time with my sister and I like having a money source, even if it means wearing a sign on the corner of Government and Broughton, asking if people like Vietnamese food and free desserts. I did miss my home, separated by a mass of water... But I'm back now and find no interest in the things I missed. ie: friends, cats, guitar, an irish faery. Well... actually the faery lifted my spirits. She's actually from Ireland, too. I'm obsessed with the following: Ireland, faeries, Angelina Jolie, Billy Corgan, Fruit and Nut bars, and even though it's benign right now, this shop called Afterthoughts. I wish I could work there. I didn't even apply! I'm pretty lazy, I guess. I wouldn't be if I had something to be un-lazy about. I just finished reading Girl, Interrupted on the ferry. I liked it. I need to read it again with a dictionary, though. And then again without the dictionary and so on. I don't really, but I sort of envy Susanna Kaysen. Not because she's successful or anything... but for some twisted reason, I've always wanted a psychiatrist or to be locked away for a bit. It sounds strange and I know that I wouldn't like being locked away cause it's not like in the movies... I guess I just wish I had a diagnosis or something on my personality. I've known for years that there's something wrong with me, but I guess knowing that makes me at least a little bit sane. 72% of actors surveyed in this Maxim test proved to have a mental illness. It'd be good to get it out of my system before I'm in the public eye. I'm sorry that this is all weird. I update this more than anything else. I guess instead of telling you what my favorite song is, etc, I'd just rather vent as if to a journal. Cause this is me. Actually, this page is really just for me. I know that nobody is reading this, and I know that people will continue to not read it and not visit my site. It is, in a way, refreshing. Because I'm writing as though someone else will actually read it before I delete it all. Ah I had such hopes for this site... But, alas, I just lost interest. Once I know so much about a person, I just lose interest. Because now it'll be creepy when I meet Claire, Angelina, and McKenzie because I had a website on them and posted their information and made collages of them. meh.