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The Bennetts

The Bennetts are Hank, Sam, Grace, Kay, and Jessica. [shown clockwise from top left: Hank, Jessica, Sam, Grace, Kay] There is also a son, Noah, who hasn't been talked about all that much, which is sort of funny because the family picture is the one to the right and it doesn't have him in it, and Hank is either edited in there, or edited out on the show! Sam, played by James Hyde, is the chief of police in Harmony. He has a brother, Hank (Dalton James), and a secret he keeps from his wife. He used to be in love with Ivy Crane. Of course, she wasn't a Crane then. It broke his heart when he learned that she had married Julian. Only he, his best friends, TC and Eve know that he had a past with Ivy Winthrop. Even TC doesn't really know what went on. But Eve's getting all the details since she's really a backstabbing jerk, working for Ivy and keeping tabs on Sam. Sam met Grace, played by Dana Sparks, when he saved her from a horrible fire 20 years ago in Boston. Grace is a very nice lady, but ever since that fire, she can't remember the first 20 years of her life. She had a twin that she found out about on the internet, with the nick of Seeker. Her name was Faith Standish. Faith supposedly died in a fire and Grace was, well, upset about that. Months later and Faith's name hasn't been uttered. Grace owns an antique store and is very active with charity work (no pun intended). Kay is Sam and Grace's oldest daughter. Kay, played by Taylor Anne Mountz, is in love with Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald and will do anything to get rid of Charity, his girlfriend, including dumping fish guts on her and rigging the prom King and Queen votes. Since her mom died, Charity lives with the Bennetts, angering Kay with her every move. For instance, taking away Kay's dream room for herself (unintentional, but still!). Charity keeps seeing things, yet nobody questions her sanity but Kay. She's such a flat character. She doesn't even talk about how she misses her mom and all she does is get premonitions to further the plot whenever it weakens. Kay also hates her younger sister, Jessica. Jessica is always doing things to ruin her chance with Miguel. Jessica, who used to be played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, (but now is played by someone who couldn't pass as mid-twenties) is just trying to help her friend, Miguel, stay with the girl of his dreams. So she is basically good, with one exception - she told Reese Durkee, a real geek, that Kay liked him. Now Reese and Kay are 'going out' but Kay feels like she has to vomit every time Reese is near.

The Standish Family of Two

The Standishes are Faith and Charity. [Faith is shown to the right with Tabitha] Faith, played by Dana Sparks, was a paranoid mother who was trying to protect her naive daughter from *the evil*. Her daughter just doesn't realize the powers she has and the danger she gets herself in. Faith had been looking for her sister for 20 years and found out that she lives in Harmony. Faith and Grace had never met since the fire because Faith and Charity live in Castleton. And now she's dead. Charity, played by Molly Stanton, is in love with Miguel and kept taking the bus back to Harmony to be with him, against her mother's wishes. She and Miguel just HAD to find her Aunty Grace. She believed that if she found her, her mother would not make them move away. But she did. *evil Tabitha-like laughter* And now her mom's dead!!!! muwahahahahaha!!!! Perhaps Kay will hit her in the back of the head with a sledgehammer and finish off Tabby's first mission.

Timmy and Tabby

Timmy and Tabitha live next door to the Bennetts. [l to r: Timmy (Josh Ryan Evans) and Tabitha (Juliet Mills)] Tabitha is evil but nobody in Harmony suspects her to be anything more than a friendly old lady, except Alistair Crane. We don't know what exactly he knows, but he knows enough to warn Julian to keep away from her. Tabitha had evil powers and will stop at nothing to keep Charity from realising her powers. If she does, Tabitha and Timmy will surely be done for. Timmy is a doll that Tabitha brought to life. If Timmy is bad, he gets to go for a ride in the dryer, washing machine, microwave, or just be mauled by Tabitha's cat, Fluffy. There was something in Tabitha's basement that she and Timmy were afraid of and it gave Tabitha her powers. Since Tabitha seemed to have failed at killing Charity, the evil thing gave up on her and she has no more powers. She seems to be getting them back, though. One can only hope. Tabitha and Timmy were so close to killing Charity. Why didn't she just swing the wrench? SWING IT! Oh well... At least Faith's ashes to ashes now. Soon both the Standishes will be dead. Yes... it's all coming together now... And once Tabby forms a complete Ally in Kay, it's bye bye for that little wench Charity! And now I'm talking like her without even knowing what I'm doing. Curses! Ach, but now Tabby's just trying to make Charity evil, which sucks cause she could have finished her off by now and gotten her own powers back. This plan will surely backfire as soon as Charity's in her full powers, evil, and remembering Tabby's voice from the night her mommy died. Damn her.