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Study Sheet

Lesson # 4:  Crossing into Canaan to End of Old Testament
Page 23   Crossing Jordan - The Judges
      1.  Death of Moses - DEUT 34
      2.  Joshua - JOSH 1:1-5; 24:1-28
      3.  Crossing the Jordan River - JOSH 4:5-7
      4.  Conquest of Canaan
      5.  Reign of the Judges - 15 men
      6.  Gideon - JUDG 7:19-22
      7.  Samson - JUDG 13-16
      8.  Samuel - 1 SAM 1-3
Page 24   Israel demands a King - United Kingdom
      1.  Saul    - 1 SAM 9-13
      2.  David   - 1 SAM 16 - 1 KINGS 1
      3.  Solomon - 1 KINGS 2-11
Page 25   Divided Kingdom - Age of the Prophets
      1.  Revolt of ten tribes - 1 KINGS 12
      2.  Jeroboam leader of Israel (10tribes) - capitol Samaria
      3.  Israel taken captive by Assyrians in 721 B.C.
      4.  Rehoboam leader of Judah (2 tribes) - capitol Jerusalem
      5.  Judah taken captive by Babylon in 606 B.C. and 586 B.C.
      6.  Elijah, Elisha, and Jonah were three prophets for Israel
      7.  Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel sent to Judah
      8.  Prophecies in Old Testament concerning Jesus Christ
          Old Testament          Prophecy            New Testament
          -------------          --------            -------------
          a.  MICAH 5:2     Place of birth           MATT 2:1
          b.  ISA 7:14      Born of a virgin         MATT 1:18
          c.  ISA 53:3      Rejected by Jews         JOHN 1:11
          d.  ZECH 9:9      Triumphal entry          JOHN 12:13-14
          e.  PSA 41:9      Betrayed by a friend     MARK 14:10
          f.  ZECH 11:12    Sold for 30 pc. silver   MATT 26:15
          g.  ISA 50:6      Smitten and spat upon    MARK 14:65
          h.  ISA 53:4-5    Suffered for us          MATT 8:16-17
          i.  PSA 22:16     Hands and feet pierced   JOHN 20:27
          j.  PSA 69:21     Given gall and vinegar   JOHN 19:29
          k.  PSA 22:18     Cast lots for garments   MARK 15:24
          l.  PSA 34:20     Not a bone to be broken  JOHN 19:33
          m.  PSA 68:18     His ascension            LUKE 24:50-51
      9.  Prophecies concerning the Church Age 
          1.  ISA 28:9-13
          2.  EZEK 36:26-27
          3.  JOEL 2:28-32
     10.  Prophecies concerning the end times
          1.  NAHUM 2:4
          2.  DAN 12:4
     11.  Prophecies concerning the Jews
          1.  EZEK 37
          2.  ZEPH 3:20
          3.  AMOS 9:15
Page 26   Restoration of the Remnant
      1.  Temple rebuilt by Zerubbabel - EZRA 1:1-4; 6:14-15
      2.  Walls repaired by Nehemiah - NEH 1:1-3; 6:15
      3.  Last of Old Testament prophets were Haggai, Zechariah, 
          & Malachi
      4.  400 silent years before New Testament begins

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