LESSON NO. 7 - Coverage: Resurrection to What Does It Mean to Believe on Jesus?Page 36 The Resurrection and Ascension1. Pilate set a watch at tomb - Matt. 27:62-66; John 20:1-18 2. John gives first account of resurrection (while it was yet dark) 3. Matthew resumes "as it began to dawn" - Matt. 28.-I-10 4. Luke continues "very early in the morning" - Luke 24:l-l2 5. Mark finishes "when the sun was risen" - Mark 16:1-8 6. Soldiers paid to say disciples stole him away - Matt. 28:11-15 7. Jesus appears to disciples on the Emmaus Road - Luke 24:13-35; in the upper room - Luke 24:36-49; to Thomas - John 20:24-29; to disciples first - John 21:1-25; appears 40 days - Acts 1:3 8. Gave "Great Commission" - Luke 24:47; Matt. 28:19,20; Mark 16:15-18 9. Ascends to heaven - Acts 1:9-12 10. Our glorified bodies to be like his - 1 John 3:2; Phil. 3:21Page 37 The Disciples Go to Jerusalem to Wait for the Holy Ghost1. Disciples told to return to Jerusalem - Acts 1:1-14 2. Matthias chosen to take Judas' place - Acts 1:15-26 3. Group of 120 continue in prayer in one accord - Acts 1:14,15Page 38 Dispensation of the Holy Ghost1. They are all filled with the Holy Ghost - Acts 2:1-4 2. Multitude hears own language spoken - Acts 2:5-13 3. Jews and Gentiles are now united in the church, which is His body Gal. 3:28; Eph. 1:21-23; Col. 3:11Page 39 Men and Brethren, What Shall We Do? (The Message of Acts 2:38)1. Peter explains to multitude what has happened - Acts 2:14-36 2. He gives instructions for receiving the Holy Ghost - Acts 2:37-40 3. 3,000 added to the church the same day - Acts 2:41Page 40 But What About Matthew 28:19?1. Jesus said, "in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost." 2. What is the name? John 5:43; Matt. 1:21; John 14:26Page 41 Water Baptism, by Immersion, in the Name of Jesus Christ1. Mode of baptism--immersion - Col. 2:12; Acts 8:38,39; Matt. 3:16 2. Formula for baptism "in the name" - Acts 4:12; Phil 2:9-11; Eph 1:21; Col 3:17Page 42 Is It Necessary to Receive the Holy Ghost?1. Jesus said, "Ye must be born again" - St. John 3:1-12 2. What is the Kingdom of God? - Rom. 14:17Page 43 The Purpose of the Holy Ghost1. The Holy Ghost is "Christ in you" - Col. 1:25-27; Rom. 8:9 2. It is to teach you all things - John 14:26 3. To cause the weary to rest - Isa. 28:11,12 4. To show you things to come - John 16:13 5. To give you power to witness - Acts 1:8 6. To resurrect us at his coming - Rom. 8:11Page 44 Do All Speak with Other Tongues when They Receive the Holy Ghost?1. Yes, the apostles and the mother of Jesus did - Acts 2:1-4 2. Yes, the Samaritans did - Acts 8:14-24 3. Yes, Cornelius and friends did - Acts 10:44-48 4. Yes, men at Ephesus did - Acts 19:1-6 5. Yes, Paul did - Acts 9:17-19; 1 Cor. 14:18,39 6. Why did God use speaking in tongues as the initial physical evidence of receiving the holy Ghost?a. An external evidence of something that has taken place in the heart b. A uniform sign c. A symbol of the Spiirit's complete control. (The tongue is the last thing to yield)Page 45 What Does It Mean to Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?1. Gentiles spoke in tongues when they believed - Acts 10:43,44 2. The apostles spoke in tongues when they believed - Acts 11:17 3. These signs shall follow them that believe - Mark 16:17 4. What did Jesus say about believing? - John 7:37-39 5. Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? - Acts 19:1-7
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