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Study Sheet

LESSON NO. 9 - Coverage: Former Rain and Latter Rain to Vials of Wrath Poured Out
Page 53   Former Rain and Latter Rain
      1.  The reformation began the Journey back to Pentecost
      2.  Light slowly began to shine to reveal hidden truths - Isa. 28:lO
      3.  Martin Luther began with "justification by faith"
      4.  John Calvin organized his churches with local presbyters and observed the
          Lord's Supper
      5.  King Henry VIII became head of Church of England
      6.  John Smyth began baptizing by immersion
      7.  John Wesley taught holiness and a genuine conversion
      8.  Peter Cartwright, Charles G. Finney, Dwight Moody all trought great
          revivals and a stir to churches in America
      9.  Group of Bible students at Topeka, Kansas received the gift of the Holy
          Ghost on January 1, 1900 after seeking God 21 days
     10.  Speaking in tongues spreads to Joplin, Houston, and Los Angeles
     11.  News of these revivals spread around the world
     12.  More light Is revealed on baptism in Jesus' Name and the oneness of the
          Godhead, which causes a division in the year 1916 among those who had
          received the Holy Ghost
     13.  His Spirit is once again poured out on all flesh - Joel 2:23-28
     14.  Make sure you know the truth - I Tim. 2:4-5. Col. 2:8
Page 54   Signs of the End Times
      1.  Jesus's disciples ask three important questions - Matt. 24:3
      2.  Mental state of world before His return - Lue 21:25-28, Matt. 24:10
      3.  Moral state of world - Matt. 24:37-39, Luke 17:28-29
      4.  False prophets shall arise - Matt. 24:11, 1 Tim. 4:1, 2 Tim. 4:3-4
      5.  Increase in lawlessness - 2 Tim,, 3:1-5
      6.  Scoffers will say, "Where is the promise of His coming?"- 2 Pets 3:3-4
      7.  Wars, famines, earthquakes - Matt. 24:6-8
      8.  Peace conferences - 1 These. 5:2-8
      9.  Return of Jews to land of Palestine - Isa. 11:1O-12
     10.  Gospel shall be preached in all the world - Matt. 24:14
     11.  As the day approaches, assemble together more - Heb. 10:25
Page 55   The Rapture
      1.  Rapture is the catching away of the Church to meet the Lord in the air;
          the Revelation is the second-coming of Christ to the earth
      2.  Living and dead believers will rise together - 1 Cor. i5:51-53,
          1 Thess. 4:13-18, Phil. 3:20-21, Rom. 8:23, 8:11
      3.  One taken, the other left - Matt. 24:40-44, Luke 17:34-36
      4.  Judgment Seat of Christ - Luke 14:14, 1 Cor. 3:12-15, 2 Cor- 5:1O,
          Rom 14:1O-12, 1 Cor- 3:8, Phil. 3:14, 2 Tim. 4,8
      5.  Marriage Supper of the Lamb - Rev. 19:7-9. Eph. 5:25-27
Page 56   Manifestation and Reign of the Anti-Christ
      1.  Great time of trouble - Matt. 24:2l
      2.  World to be ruled by one man - Rev. 17:17, 2 Thess, 2:3-12, Dan. 8:25
      3.  Jews will return to Palestine - Eze. 22:19-22, Zeph. 2:1-2
      4.  Jews will rebuild Temple - Acts l5:l4-16, Rev. 11:1-2
      5.  Jews will make covenant with Anti-Christ - Dan. 9:27, Isa, 28:15
      6.  After 3 1/2 years, Anti-Christ will set himself up as God and refuse to 
          allow Jews to offer sacrifices in the Temple, which is the abomination of
          desolation - Dan. 9:27, Matt, 24:1, 21-26
      7.  Anti-Christ turns against Jews and terrible persecutions follow, called
          "Time of Jacob's Trouble" - Jer. 30:5-7, Rev. 13:5-7 
      8.  Anti-Christ will set up his image and force all to worship it or be killed
          Rev. 13:8, 12-15 
      9.  All must take mark of Beast to buy or sell - Rev. 13:16-18
     10.  Doom of all who take the mark of the Beast - Rev. 14:9-11
     11.  Men will take this mark because they receive not a love for the truth -
          2 Thess. 2:9-12
Page 57   Vials of Wrath Poured Out During Great Tribulation
      1.  Men will be covered with boils, all water will turn to blood, sun will
          scorch men, darkness will cover the land, lightning, tremendous earth-
          quakes, and hail weighing 100 lbs. will fall on men - Rev. 16
      2.  There is an escape - call on the Lord TODAY while He is near!


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