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Study Sheet

LESSON NO. 10 - Coverage: Battle of Amadeddon to White Throne Judgment
Page 58   Battle of Armageddon
      1.  Following the vials of wrath is the judgment of the Anti-Christian system
          of religion known as Babylon - Rev. 17 & 18
      2.  Federation of nations and Anti-Christian system of religion began with
          Nimrod and tower of Babel - Gen. 11
      3.  Nimrod was first type of Anti-Christ; tower of Babel was first type of
          false system of religion
      4.  The image Nebuchadnezzar saw had a head of gold (Babylon), chest and arms
          of silver (Medes and Persians), stomach and thighs of brass (Greece),
          legs of iron (Rome), feet of iron and clay (combination of Rome and ten
          kings, which are ten toes and ten horns of the Beast of Rev, 17)
      5.  The Anti-Christian Church, which has brought all religions under one
          head, will be destroyed by the federation of nations
      6.  Israel is compared to adulterous wife who has been put away, but will be
          nations restored during great tribulation - Isa. 54:1-10, Hosea 2. Gentile
          make up the "bride" who was "caught away"
      7.  In the middle of the seven years, Anti-Christ will set himself up as God,
          stop Jewish worship, and begin to persecute Jews to try and destroy them.
          Then they will begin to call on their God in their affliction - Zech.
          14:1-3.  Isa. 10:20-21, Hosea 5:15, Zech. l3:9
      8.  The Jews shall "look upon Him whom they have pierced" - Zech. 12:10
      9.  Jesus shall come to the Mount of Olives - Zech. 14:4-7
     10.  Christ and His armies shall overthrow enemies - Isa. 26:21, 63:1-4,
          Rev. 1:7, 19:11-16, Jude 14-15
     11.  He is the "stone cut out of the mountain" - Dan. 2:34-35, 44
     12.  Great slaughter - Rev. 19:17-18, 14:20, Ezek- 39:12-13
     13.  Beast and false prophet destroyed - Rev. 14:1O, 19:2O, 2 Thess. 2:8
     14.  Completion of first resurrection of just - Rev. 20:4-6, John 5:29
     15.  Judgment of living nations - Acts 17:31, Matt. 25:31-46, Joel 3:2
     16.  Satan bound for 1,000 years - Rev. 20:1-3
Page 59   Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ
      1.  Peace on earth - Isa. 9:6-7, 2:4, Rev. 2:26-27
      2.  Last dispensation of time - "Kingdom Age"
      3.  Sickness and disease gone - Isa. 65:19-20, 35:5-6
      4.  Men will live long lives  - Isa. 65:22
      5.  Thorns and thistles gone  - Isa. 11:9, 65:23, 35:1,7, Zech. 8:12
      6.  Viciousness gone from animals - Isa. 11:6-9
      7.  All nations will worship at Jerusalem - Zech. 14:9, 16-19, Isa. 11:9
      8.  Saints shall reign with Him - 1 Cor. 6:2-3, Rev. 1:5-6, 5:8-10, 20:6,
          1 Cor. 15:52-54, 1 Thess. 4:17
      9.  Satan loosed after 1000 years and gathers armies of Gog and Magog to
          battle against God - Rev. 2O:7-9
     10.  Seventh dispensation ends in judgment
Page 60   The Severity of God
      1.  God requires Judgment because His justice, love and mercy
      2.  His holiness demands judgment - 1 Pet. 1:17, Heb. 2:3
      3.  Cast angels that sinned into hell, destroyed entire world except for
          Noah and family, turned cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes -
          2 Pet. 2:4-9, and had a man stoned to death for picking up sticks on
          Sabbath - Num. 15:32-36
      4.  He will take vengeance on them that obey not the gospel - 2 These. 1:6-10,
          2 Pet. 3:7, 2 Thess. 2:10-12
Page 61   White Throne Judgement
      1.  Satan cast into Lake of Fire - Rev. 20:10
      2.  Second resurrection of the unjust - Rev. 20:11-13
      3.  Men will be judged - Rom. 2:12-16, Prov. 1:24-31, Matt. 7:21-23
      4.  Those names not in the Book of Life cast into the Lake of Fire - Rev 20:15
      5.  Devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41), slothful servants (Matt. 25:26-30),
          backsliders (Heb. 10:29), ungodly (2 Pet. 3:7), those who did not love
          truth ( 2 Thess. 2:8-10), did not obey gospel (2 Thess. 1:8) will all be
          cast into the lake of Fire
      6.  New heaven and new earth - Isa. 51:6, 65:17, 2 Pet. 3:7-13
      7.  New Jerusalem - John 14:2-3, Rev. 21, Rev. 22:1-5
      8.  He is coming quickly - Rev. 22:7, 12-14, 17-20
     *9.  The closing words of the Bible - Rev. 21:18-21


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