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Some Information About Wicca and Witches

Let me start by stating a fact that is too often overlooked by those who are prone to criticize us. Wicca is first and foremost a religion. Like any religion, it is a way of living, one which stresses mastery of self, and respect and love for others, all others. We see ourselves as integral parts of nature, not as masters of it. We are brothers to rock and wave, sisters to animal and plant. We honor each as sacred beings in their own right. Magick, or witchcraft, is one element of the expression of our religion, but I daresay that for most Wiccans, it is neither the largest nor the most important. For even more important than the ability to work a spell, is the wisdom to know when not to. After all, the highest law by which we live is to Harm None. This to us is a sacred duty. In all of our actions, whether they be magickal or "mundane", we seek to do no harm. For every act is a spiritual act. Below, I have set forth the 13 Goals of a Witch, The Wiccan Rede, and the Law of the Power. These are the rules by which we live. But there is one more not listed. Often called The Threefold Law, this law states that what you do will come back to you thrice over, in this lifetime. Do good and you will receive three times the good in return. Do evil, and, you will receive three times the evil. So read on, my friend, and hopefully understand us a little bit more. Blessed be!

The 13 Goals of A Witch

(1) Know yourself
(2) Know your craft (Wicca)
(3) Listen and Learn from others
(4) Apply knowledge with Wisdom
(5) Achieve Balance
(6) Keep your words in good order
(7) Keep your thoughts in good order
(8) Celebrate and Enjoy Life
(9) Attune yourself with the cycles of the Earth
(10) Breathe and eat correctly
(11) Exercise the body
(12) Meditate
(13) Honor the God and Goddess

The Wiccan Rede
(The Law by which we live.)

Bide the Wiccan laws ye must,
in perfect love and perfect trust.

Live and let live -
fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about
to keep all evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time,
let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch -
speak ye little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing Moon -
sing and dance the Wiccan Rune.

Widdershins go when the Moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

When the Lady's Moon is new,
kiss the hand to Her times two.

When the Moon rides at Her peak,
then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the North wind's mighty gale -
lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the South,
love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the East,
expect the new and set the feast.

When the West wind blows o'er thee,
departed spirits restless be.

* Nine woods in the Cauldron go -
burn them quick and burn them slow.

Elder be ye Lady's tree -
burn it not or cursed ye'll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn,
let the Beltane fires burn.

When the Wheel has turned a Yule,
lighty the Log and let Pan rule.

Heed ye flower, bush and tree -
by the Lady blessed be.

Where the rippling waters go,
cast a stone and truth ye'll know.

When ye are in dire need,
hearken not to others' greed.

With the fool no season spend,
or be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part -
bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

When misfortune is enow,
wear the blue star on thy brow.

True in love ever be,
unless thy lover's false to thee.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill -
an ye harm none, do what ye will.

The Laws of Power

(1) The Power shall not be used to bring harm,
but if the need arises,
the Power shall be used to protect your life
and the lives of others.
(2) The Power is only used as need dictates .
(3) The Power can be used for your own gain,
as long as by doing so you harm none .
(4) It is unwise to accept money for the use of the Power ,
for it quickly controls its taker ,
Be not as those of other religions
(5) Use not the Power for prideful gain , doing so
cheapens the mysteries of Wiccan magic .
(6) Ever remember that the Power is a sacred gift of
the Goddess and the God and should never be misused or abused.
(7) Honor the God and Goddess
This is the Laws of Power

If you would like more information about Wicca, or more specific information about our belief system, please e-mail me by clicking on the hummingbird below.

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