Index Page
Monstervision archives up to December 2006
Greetings from the aliens about to take over Earth
9 to 5 (movie) Dolly Parten, Dabney Coleman, Lily Tomlin
Angie Baby (a boy disappeared and everyone thought he died)
Liar Liar (Jim Carrey as a lawyer forced to tell the truth)
Spirit In The Sky (my favorite 1970s song)
Werewolves of London
2001, a Space Odyssey (movie themesong)
You're off the edge of the map now, mate. Here, there be monsters
Hitchcock's "Vertigo"
(a movie that's good to the last drop)
Revenge is a dish best served cold
(space battle soundtrack, Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan) Aren't they in violation of treaty?
Doctor Who
(the 4th season begins in 2008 with Planet of the Ool after the Doctor rides the Titanic, or vice versa)
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Let's party like it's 1999
Unless you'ld rather party like it's 1962
© Bill Laidlaw except stuff on this website clearly marked as plagerized from elsewhere.
This website created in 1999, erased by Angelfire for unknown reasons, and reposted over time starting in 2003
I should be done any day now.