Interview with Fredde Ernerot of the Swedish soul metal band Temperance.

Band history

FE  Temperance started out in 91 after the split up of the band No Remorse. It was me Fredde on guitar and vocals and my brother B-hang on drums. Then we had several bass players during the years which took us through one demo called Hypnoparatized, one 7"ep out on Shiver records in 93 and in 95 we released our debut cd Krapakalja on Shiver records. Then followed a promo in 96 and a new 7" in 99 on Strombringer prod. here in Sweden. We have done several tours through Europe between 92-97 and played with hundreds of bands, big and small. Well that's a brief one LOL

You seem to have the Spinal Tap syndrome with bass players

FE  Well... that's about the same here really LOL. Nothing we planned on really. I guess it has to do with us as persons to work with, especially me, or at least how I used to be in the band. We gave everything all the time, and some people can't cope with that. We were brothers as well and apparently we know what we wanted and they didn't, so...

What is it like having a brother in the band with you, are there ever sibling rivalries?

FE  No, you won't get anything out of that LOL. Well, just positive - that's the truth. We are getting along real fine and we have the same view and feel for the music thing, so it's just a pleasure really.

Who are your major influences?

FE  Well, it's not like we are having any, not anymore I guess - used to be Motorhead and Maiden and those bands, and sure Motorhead is still important, but I think we are really original (yeah I must say that) today and it has taken us 10 years to get that touch on our stuff. So I would say it's the most which is good LOL

How hard is it for you to write lyrics in english, being from Sweden (and I assume it not being your first language)?

FE  Well, according to the people that read our lyrics - they are deeply impressed, so... but, it's not so hard any longer. But I have been writing lyrics directly into english for 20 years now, so no, it feels natural really.

Have you been tempted to write lyrics in other languages, just to get away from this english domination?

FE  Well, that's interesting. You know, one lyric is written in Swedish on the cd "Krapakalja" and it was a fun thing to do, but to me english is the most suitable language for metal - and that's the chance as an author to reach the biggest audience no I like writing in English. Fits me perfect.

What's the most embarrassing thing you've had happen to you on tour?

FE  I never feel embarrassed, but alot of shit happened on the tours. That's how it is. We have been ripped off a few times, standing there and no one picks you up in the middle of Europe, and in East Europe there have been military and police forces on several gigs, shutting down the power and beating the audience. So we have seen a lot. We played on a big metal festival in Vilnius, Lithuania in the beginning of 94 (that's a historical gig today in Lithuania as we were the first band from Sweden to ever played there) and when we left the gig all the stairs outside this big Russian palace where the fest was held were covered with blood - it was red. That was scary as hell. Yeah, we have played alot in former east Europe nearly after the Berlin wall was thrown down and it has been quite heavy sometimes, that's for sure.

I guess I can figure out what some of your worst fan/show reactions would be. How about some of the best shows you've done?

FE  Well, there are so much great experiences and shows from our tours - full packed gigs and alot of bangers singing along, and yeah so much. Well one special thing is this gig in Vilnius in January 94, 1100 people are banging the floor and shouting TEMPERANCE... TEMPERANCE... that was really heavy LOL. Also on the last tour in 97, we did a gig in the north of Holland and we had been there the year before and the whole place was packed, and the front was singing all the lyrics from the Krapakalja album. I was amazed, strange feeling for me cause those kinds of things are happening to bigger bands. Well, too much to mention. Been to Europe?

I wish - pretty much my whole family has.

FE  I see... Well Europe is a bit special and the whole history of the last 100 years, it's deeply into our sin, believe me, and that's what we experience out on tour too - the spots never leave the skin you know.

Maybe you'll play North America one day...

FE  Who knows. I have alot of contacts over there, some have been my friends for 10 years and I hope we will make it over some day. But the distances are too huge, so we need alot of gigs and a good budget. So we have to get bigger first.

What sort of bands do you usually tour with?

FE  Depends. Most of the time we tour alone but in 97 we toured with a band signed on Nuclear Blast called Crack-up, that was cool. But as we manage the tours ourselves, when we are booking them we do them ourselves too

Which may begin to answer my next question - what do you do in your spare time?

FE  Ohh... LOL Well, I'm a busy man. I work with the promotion alot, I run a comp. tape which will be a newsletter soon and maybe a comp. cd too. I spend alot of time reading and studying for my own behalf. I spend alot of time with my girlfriend, who is my best friend as well, and then rehearsing, working some extra when I'm out of school, and yeah drinking beers LOL

Any plans to record after your latest tour, and what can people expect from your next cd?

FE  Yeah, we hope we will record our second cd after the forthcoming Europe tour in September. We are working now on the new material and it seems to be the best from us so far. It will be pure soulish metal right from our hearts, no bullshitting around, just right to the point, filled with emotions and vibes. We hope we will record in November and have it out early next year. Our plan is to record in Los Angered studio here in Gothenburg. Andy la Roque is running this studio and I have heard much good productions from there, so... can be fine :)))

What does your family think of you being in a band and touring, etc?

FE  LOL Well, I'm 32 now and my brother is 28, so... LOL. It was not so popular 10 years ago but today they are really proud of what we are doing. My father called me up and said that he was deeply impressed by our new 7" and he looked forward to our tour LOL (Maybe this is a warning - we are getting too lame as the old folks start to dig the stuff... ahhhhhhhh!)

It must be a lot worse if they don't support you

FE  Well maybe, but at the same time I think it's good if things aren't too fuckin easy. If you get shit down the road, then you will fight it and that fits this music a lot. To me this music is much about revolt and being extreme and free. So maybe that's why we are still around - our parents bitched around too much earlier.

Where do you see yourself going with Temperance in the next few years or so?

FE  Oh, we will just take it further down the souled road. We have much left to do, in fact I feel like we have just started the thing here. It's just now when we have found our style which we feel really comfortable with, so... more tunes, recordings and crazy tours. That's the goal, as always.

Any final words for your new fans?

FE  Well, for the ones in Europe - look for our Souled Way of Living Tour Through Europe... Part 1 in September. We will race through Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland and UK for the first half of September, then coming back for a weekend later September (29/30th). Otherwise: check out our new 7", visit our homepage and make sure you look out for our forthcoming cd early next year. Stay souled, and be free.

Check out the Temperance website

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