Welcome to the world of Dark Shadows merchandise. The following are unpaid advertisements for various DS products. All products are the responsibility of the selling agent. Ordering information when available is included. Please do not contact me or the Eagle Hill Homepage about ordering any of these things. The Eagle Hill Homepage and pstoddard can not be held responsible for any claims or problems relating to these ads. (God, I hate all this legal stuff, don't you?) If you have a DS product you would like to have me post an ad for, feel free to write with the specifics. Please include ordering information, pics, and all copyright information. Only mass-market type products will be advertised. No single items or offers, please.
DS BOOKS (non-fiction)
In and Out of the Shadows by David Selby
DS BOOKS (fiction)
Dark Shadows Fan Novels and Story Collections
* links to a page not on the Eagle Hill Homepage