There are two kinds of Lists, Unordered (with bullets), and Ordered (with
numbers or letters). Lists are a great way to add variety to your pages
and to draw attention to important links or material
<ul></ul> makes a list with bullets (unordered list)
<li></li> each bulleted item goes in between these
<ol></ol> makes a list with increasing #'s (ordered
<li></li> each numbered item goes in between these
Lists |
<body bgcolor=yellow>
<ul>This is an Unordered List<br>
<ol>This is an Ordered List<br>
This is an Unordered List
- One
- Two
- Three
This is an Ordered List
- First
- Second
- Third
Nested Lists are easily created by simply adding another <ul>
or <ol> tag before the final </ul> or </ol> tag.
Nested Lists |
<title>Nested Lists</title>
<body bgcolor=yellow>
<ol>This is One Ordered & Nested List<br>
<ol>This is Another Ordered & Nested List<br>
<ol type="A">
This is One Ordered & Nested List
- First
- Second
- One
- Two
- Third
This is Another Ordered & Nested List
- First
- Second
- Third
Fancy lists:
<ul type="disc"> round filled in bullets
<ul type="circle"> empty circles
<ul type="square"> square bullets
<ul type="1"> numbers, (1,2,3...)
<ul type="A"> capital letters (A,B,C...)
<ul type="a"> lowercase letters (a,b,c...)
<ul type="I"> Uppercase Roman Numerals (I, II, III...)
<ul type="i"> Lowercase Roman Numerals (i, ii, iii...)
Definition Lists are used when creating a glossary, describing
a topic or word, etc.
<dl></dl> start and end a definition list
<dt></dt> the word or phrase being defined
<dd></dd> the definition
Definition Lists |
<title>Definition Lists</title>
<body bgcolor=yellow>
<dl>My Favorite Mark-up Languages<br>
<dd>Hyper-text Mark-up Language:
Used to create Web Pages. Nowadays HTML has become so common that
there are programs designed to do all the HTML for you.
<dd>Virtual Reality Mark-up
Language: This creates 3-D worlds, is often what you see in games.
<dd>Extensible Mark-up
Language: A very intense and integrated language for easy use of
SGML on the Web.
<dd>Dynamic Hyper-text
Mark-up Language: This is an advanced HTML for exciting and interactive
Web Pages.
My Favorite Mark-up Languages
- Hyper-text Mark-up Language: Used to create Web Pages. Nowadays
HTML has become so common that there are programs designed to
do all the HTML for you.
- Virtual Reality Mark-up Language: This creates 3-D worlds, is
often what you see in games.
- Extensible Mark-up Language: A very intense and integrated language
for easy use of SGML on the Web.
- Dynamic Hyper-text Mark-up Language: This is an advanced HTML
for exciting and interactive Web Pages.