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Eucalyptus glaucescens - Tingaringy (Tingiringi) Gum (Southeast Australia) Strikingly silver round juvenile leaves packed closely on the stems and peeling white bark characterize this extremely hardy tree.  It usually grows very fast and fairly tall (to 40 - 90', depending on soil and exposure) in cultivation, and tolerates a wide variety of soils.  An excellent species for cut foliage, it is very attractive at all stages of growth (even the adult leaves shimmer in the wind) and an especially good choice for the Pacific Northwest.  -2 to +6°F.
Photos of Eucalyptus glaucescens

Eucalyptus globoidea - White Stringybark (Australia) Not exceptionally hardy, contrary to some references.
Photos of Eucalyptus globoidea

Eucalyptus globulus - Blue Gum, Tasmanian Blue Gum, Eurabbie, Victorian Blue Gum, Victorian Eurabbie (Southeast Australia) This is the one that has gone wild and reseeded itself all over coastal areas of California, earning the entire genus a bad reputation along with E. camaldulensis.  Large blue or silver juvenile leaves make it an attractive summer bedding plant; in areas where the top-growth is often killed perhaps it could survive as a perennial if heavily fertilized to establish it well in its first year.  To see the contrast between the long green mature leaves and blue juvenile foliage in seedlings in a mature grove of these trees in California is very interesting indeed.  Prefers cooler climates; will tolerate heat but is often stunted.  Very fast growing.  Hardy to 15 to 19°F.

Photos of Eucalyptus globulus

Eucalyptus goniocalyx - Long-leaved Box,  Bundy, Olive-barked Box, Mountain Grey Gum, Apple (Australia) Rapid growth; prefers a dryish site.  Has shaggy bark and pale juvenile leaves.  Possibly useful in the South US.  Estimated hardiess 6 to 14°F.
Photos of Eucalyptus goniocalyx

Eucalyptus gregsoniana - Wolgan Snow Gum, Mallee Snow Gum (Blue Mountains and Budawang range of southeastern New South Wales) A snow gum that, unlike the E. pauciflora group, will not outgrow its listed dimensions of 20' tall.  Not as hardy as the other "snow gums."  It has thick greenish-white leaves and tolerates most soils.  White flowers are more profuse than on most eucs.  Often classified as E. pauciflora ssp. nana.  Surprisingly variable hardiness, 3 to 15°F.
Photos of Eucalyptus gregsoniana

Eucalyptus gunnii - Cider Gum (Tasmania) This, along with E. pauciflora ssp. niphophila, is probably the best-known of the hardy eucs.  It is a variable species in the appearance of its foliage, bark and cold-hardiness; but it can generally be relied upon to grow rapidly into a medium to large tree of 90 - 120' in cultivation, eventually developing a spreading crown.  The juvenile leaves are round and may be blue, silvery-white or green.  Adult leaves are short and usually blue or green, and the bark is often brown or grey with greenish and pink patches.  Extremely tolerant of a wide range of conditions wherever it is hardy, including waterlogged soils of low fertility.  It produces an edible cider that can be tapped from the trunk in the same manner as maple syrup.  Most plants going around in cultivation in the United States are not of hardy provenance, and as a result many people have given up growing hardy eucs after losing their E. gunnii specimen.  -5 to +12°F.

Photos of Eucalyptus gunnii

Eucalyptus gunnii ssp. archeri - Alpine Cider Gum (Tasmania) deserves separate treatment and is often classified as E. archeri, though the delineation between E. gunnii and E. archeri is not clear.  It is not quite as hardy as the hardiest provenances of E. gunnii, but it can be relied upon to be hardier than many E. gunnii in cultivation.  It has slightly less attractive juvenile leaves but similar characteristics and uses overall, though it may not grow quite as large as E. gunnii.  Seems to be poorly adapted to the South US. -3 to +3°F.
Photos of Eucalyptus gunnii ssp. archeri

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