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Photos of Eucalyptus gunnii ssp. archeri

Tree of E. gunnii ssp. archeri in habitat in the mountains of Tasmania.  This photo and the following two courtesy of Milligan Seeds and Trees.

Another E. gunnii ssp. archeri in habitat in Tasmania.

The habitat of this species: Ben Lomond, Tasmania, with E. gunnii ssp. archeri trees at right.  Interestingly, although this species is native to very rocky areas, it also tolerates clay soils and even waterlogged soils.

Here is a nice shot of E. gunnii ssp. archeri adult leaves at twilight in my garden, with a Douglas Fir and the moon in the background.

Juvenile leaves of E. gunnii ssp. archeri in my garden.

A close up of the flower buds and adult leaves in my garden on a dark Thanksgiving Day afternoon.

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