About growing palms and exotics in various
parts of the world:
Other general information about cultivation
of palms and exotics:
The Cool
Tropics is one of the most comprhensive and centrally located of all
hardy palm and exotic plant pages I have found. Find information
about exotic plant societies, palm seed germination tips, and all kinds
of other stuff. Includes a Cold-Rating
Data Bank, which lists the lowest temperatures certain plants have
survived and is becoming an invaluable hardiness reference; and a "cybershopping"
list of exotic plant sources on the web.
Growing Hardy Palms
by Leonard Holmes. Some important basic information.
Palms of the World by Mike
Maxson. Excellent page, but no emphasis on hardy species.
The Hardiest
Palms by T. J. Walters. Covers all the basics of hardy palm growing.
The Hardiest Palm
by Mark Glicksman, an expert on Rhapidophyllum hystrix, the world's hardiest
Palms Online
The Palm Centre, an English
nursery specailizing in palm cultivation, has an excellent catalog of palm
species which is very informative, with good pictures. The nursery
is operated by Martin Gibbons, to whom we owe a lot of our "new" palm species.
He is an expert on the genus Trachycarpus.
Conservation Palm Pages
Virtual Palm Encyclopedia (Palm and
Cycad Societies of Florida)--amazingly comprehensive site (why do I bother?)
Palms and Gardens in
the south-west of Europe --a beautiful palms page, includes more than
you ever wanted to know about Chamaerops.
Chris Kloosterman's
Palm Tree Resource Page
For some great practical cultural information, Palm
Trees and Other Tropical Pleasures by Henry Donselman.
Digital Raingardens All
kinds of interesting stuff here, but some of it can take a while to load.
Cold-hardy and desert
palm species, information and photos.
International Palm Society
Southeastern Palm and Exotic
Plant Society
And, as a Northwesterner, I feel compelled to promote the. . . (drumroll
please). . . .
. . .an organization promoting cultivation of palms and exotics in Washington,
Oregon, and British Columbia. They also have members from other parts
of the world with similarly cool climates and publish a quarterly journal
about their endeavors called Hardy
Palm International.
There are also other palm
society chapters that cover a good part of the world--have a look!
Palm photos:
Those of you who have already traveled the hardy palm homepages have
probably seen most of these before, but that doesn't stop me from including
some of the best palm photo links. Tell me if you know of any others.
Messageboards provide an excellent source of information because they
allow you to directly hear the experience of other individuals. I
have personally found them an indespensable tool for suggestions, referrals,
and all kinds of enlightening advice I don't know where I would be without.
If you have a question about something relating to hardy palms or other
exotic plants, post it on the board--just be sure to come back soon after
you post your message (within 10 days, to be safe) or your answer will
be pushed off the bottom!
To my knowledge, all of these boards are HTML enabled.
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