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Photos of Eucalyptus perriniana - page 2

This large E. perriniana on Henderson Blvd. in Olympia, WA appears to be at least 10 years old.  The main trunk broke off in the ice storm in December 1996, and it has since regrown into a beautiful large tree again already.  It was not damaged in the freeze of December 1998 and has probably flowered and set seed by now.

A closer shot of the top of the above tree.

The lower branches of the above tree.

Flower buds starting to develop on the juvenile growth of the Tasmanian form of E. perriniana in my garden.  In habitat these Tasmanian plants are subjected to brush fires every few years and never reach a very large size, so they must be able to reproduce when young to perpetuate themselves.  They do regrow after the fires from the lignotuber and individual trees can live more than 500 years this way.

This E. perriniana got savagely mauled by the deer, so I cut it back and now it is making nice purple new growth.

The same plant less than four weeks later, growing back vigorously.

A flat of E. perriniana seedlings at Steamboat Island Nursery in Olympia, WA.

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