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Photos of Eucalyptus rubida

A young E. rubida in Marysville, WA.

Close up of the juvenile leaves of E. rubida in my garden.  This is a more glaucous individual than most, with surprisingly little color in the stems and leaf veins.

Close up of the new growth of this tree.

Juvenile growth of another form of E. rubida with much greener leaves and colored stems and petioles.  This tree looks so different from the above tree that I would not be surprised to learn that one of them has been misidentified.  However, since E. rubida has a wide natural distribution, there is likely to be a lot of variability in this species.

Juvenile leaves of E. rubida in winter.

Here's the new growth on the other more reddish form.

New growth of E. rubida.

The silvery growth of E. rubida provides quite a contrast with the crimson king maple behind it.

Juvenile leaves of E. rubida in my garden at twilight.

This tree in the Dandenong Ranges, Victoria, Australia looks quite a bit like E. rubida with the white trunk and branches and high open crown (although I must confess it could be anything!).  Photo courtesy of Scott Ridges.

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