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Photos of Eucalyptus tenuiramis

This large euc is probably E. tenuiramis but may be a hybrid between E. tenuiramis and E. coccifera.  It is located by the parking lot at the Graham Visitor Center at the Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, WA.  Thanks to the Milligans for helping identify this euc.

A shot of the upper trunk and branches of this same tree.

The lower trunk of this same tree.

A close-up of the leaves and stems of the Seattle arboretum tree.

Another shot of the tree from a different angle.

Close-up of the adult leaves of E. tenuiramis.

Flower buds of E. tenuiramis.

The juvenile leaves of a newly planted E. tenuiramis in my garden.  The juvenile leaves completely encircle the stem as in E. perriniana.  It will be interesting to see how long they persist this way.

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