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...Barbara Eden...

When it came to enchanting temptresses in the 1960s, some people preferred Samantha from "Bewitched", while others sang the praises of a certain genie named Jeannie. And then there were those fortunate few who enjoyed them both, thereby having their cake and eating it, too. We include ourselves in this third category. The mysteriously ageless and eternal Barbara Eden is the very definition of fabulosity itself. Aside from playing television's only wish-granting sexpot who lived in a bottle, Miss Eden is also a star of stage and screen. But some Divas are compelled by the powers that be to prove their Divahood again and again, and thus Barbara continually outdoes herself, most recently on stage in a female version of Neil Simon's "The Odd Couple" (!), and of course in a series of much beloved Old Navy commercials. Yet nothing could ever surpass her starring role in 1978's made-for-TV movie "Harper Valley PTA". For that Barbara Eden must be praised for all eternity. So it is written; so it shall be.


Barbara Eden Online
I Dream of
another terrific Barbara Eden page!
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