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Louise Lasser

People tend to forget about Louise Lasser. She definitely has kept a low profile as of late. But all it takes is a viewing of any "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" episode to remember why she is truly a national treasure! The former Mrs. Woody Allen, in addition to appearing in 5 of her then-husband's movies, also starred in such cult classics as "Ssssslither" and "Frankenhooker". More recently she has graced the screen in "Happiness" and "Mystery Men" and of course "Requiem for a Dream". Prior to that, one of her earliest jobs was as understudy for Barbra Streisand in some theatrical production. So it seems that even then she was destined to be a ForgottenDiva! She totally came unto her own, though, in the mid-70s as America's favorite deadpan diva, Mary Hartman. It was only later that we found out her stoned-out persona was chemically induced; arrested for shoplifting (!) she was busted when cocaine was found in her purse. Oops!...This talented actress, who reached the highest highs and the lowest lows at approximately the same time, deserves our remembrance and respect.


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