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Divas? YES! Forgotten? NEVER!!!

Just what is a Forgotten Diva? Well, simply put, a Forgotten Diva is a diva who has been forgotten! But what, pray tell, is a diva? There are as many answers to that question as there are gay men to answer it! But for our solemn purposes, a Diva is a person who seems larger than life itself. An embodiment of the Divine Feminine energy that is part of all existance, these creatures are the archetypal Yin to the masculine Yang. Like brightly burning beacons on the horizon of humanity, their creative aspects often manifest in ways above and beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, and thus they are worshipped like the deities they so truly are. Some stars shine brighter than others at various points along the Time/Space continuum, but they are all eminations from the same Source. Or as Madonna (blessed be her Holy Name) would say, each one is a "ray of light". And so, indeed, are we! So may the following Divas, forgotten no more, remind us of the fabulosity that lies within us all!

the Pantheon of the Blessed
a New Wave of Divas
Sister Acts
Two-Dimensional Goddesses
Forbidden Divas
Links of Fabulosity!
