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JoAnne Worley...TOTAL DIVA!!!

JoAnne Worley. Even the sound of her melifluous name brings a smile to one's face. She is truly a goddess. One of the many people to reach ForgottenDiva status via "Laugh In", she is someone we just cannot get enough of. As a child, we would watch "Laugh In" with our parents and marvel at the brassy creature who laughed and sang rather loudly whilst leaning against a grand piano with a cocktail in her hand. We were mesmerized by her flowing gowns, fabulous feather boas, and occasional tiara. (You'd think our parents would've been concerned!) Who could forget her insane laughter, or trademark cry of "BORRRRING!" whenever anyone tried to spoil the fun? Is not that the remark of a True Diva? Since "Laugh In", Ms. Worley has never stopped appearing on game shows, talk shows, and TV movies. These are further signs of ForgottenDivahood. She also does a lot of regional theatre, and of course is an animal rights activist. What Hollywood semi-star isn't? Surprisingly there are NO JoAnne Worley shrines on the internet. The world is truly going to hell in a handbasket. But we think of JoAnne and smile...


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