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Yvonne DeCarlo

The Twin Deities of Morticia Addams and Lily Munster provide an integral balance, the essence of which is Life itself. They are the Yin and Yang of the dark side, and both, in their own ways, are insanely fabulous. Yvonne DeCarlo is therefore an absolute necessity. Born Margaret-Yvonne Middleton on September 1, 1922 (in that part of the galaxy known as "Canada"), our Yvonne started her film career in the 1940s, with roles in such features as "Slave Girl", "Frontier Girl", "Buccaneer Girl", and "Bring on the Girls". By the 50s she became a full-fledged woman, and was seen by millions in "The Ten Commandments". Always known for her innate glamour, Miss DeCarlo was romanced by many of Hollywood's leading men, prominent world figures, and the occasional truck driver. Eventually she married, and in 1962 when her husband was seriously injured, she put her career on hold to nurse him back to health. Hers is definitely the Path of the Bodhisattva. The reward for this selfless behavior came a few years later, and that reward was the role of Lily Munster. "The Munsters" was a hit, and Yvonne was truly a star. The 1970s saw more filmwork, including a part in a movie titled "It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time". This undoubtably sums up Miss DeCarlo's philosophy on life, or at least film choices, for later movies included such gems as "Satan's Cheerleaders", "Blazing Stewardesses", "Silent Scream", "Desert Kickboxer", and of course "The Sorority House Murders". She was also immortalized in a short film by the late underground artiste Jack Smith, called "I Was a Male Yvonne DeCarlo". What more can we say?


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