"You know Mulder and Scully and Krycek and Skinner. Fowley and Spender and CSM and Lone Gunmen. But do you recall, one of the coolest characters of all...."
Yes, if you didn't know already, I'm talking about THE Morris Fletcher.
Morris is an Area 51 employee who switched bodies with our beloved Mulder in Season 6's best two-parter, Dreamland and Dreamland II. He also made a rocking cameo in 'Three of A Kind'.
We all love to hate to sometimes even love the guy, so why not celebrate it? May I present to you.........
I, Melanie Moore, will be your humble president. I'm just starting out, and I need more members, so don't be shy, join the gang. It's free, and you get the pleasure of....um...saying your in an exclusive club. Yeah...right.