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  MIN KO NAING "Conqueror of Kings"
Min Ko Naing played a crucial role in the 1988 democracy uprising. He was the peoples' witness and their leader. With no personal ambition, he has sacrificed his well being for the sake of his fellow citizens. Moreover, from the outset, Min Ko Naing recognized the importance of the people and the soldiers working together for positive change in the country. He has always approached the soldiers with a conciliatory attitude and shown tolerance and generosity of spirit even in his dealings with the military regime. This is what makes him such an extraordinary leader and an example for student activists not only in Burma but also abroad. Despite the harsh conditions in prison Min Ko Naing's fighting spirit remains strong, and he continues to serve as the symbol of the students' movement in Burma.

In his rare interview with Asiaweek magazine in 1988, the student leader said: "I'll never die. Physically I might be dead, but many more Min Ko Naings will appear to take my place. As you know, Min Ko Naing can only conquer a bad king. If the ruler is good, we will carry him on our shoulders."