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    Min Ko Naing Custody
By ABSDF Info Dept., (continue..)
    Dawn news bulletin (1990)

Why did they arrest Min Ko Naing ?

The history of our country has been tarnished and cheapened by the military regime. The power that show emanate from the people has been blocked. Instead it comes from the mount of a military general. The BSPP party only served as a camouflage to conceal the true facts, and the people were duped. This deceit, however, became glaringly evident for all to see in 1988. Today, We have entered a new era, an era of overt lies and blatant obstinacy by the military.

With a gun in its hand, the immoral government believes that power, the state, and the law is its own personal property while the people are left only with the option of showing absolute obedience to the "absolute" orders. Refusing to do so would result either in being shot or in going through unnecessarily long prison terms.

The military order was to ensure a subdued calm in the mills and factories, in the classrooms, and in the farms and plantations. Our people remained uncannily reticent and subdued for almost 30 years.

They came to accept a life devoid of politics, nationalism and individual aspirations. They naively began to accept that civil rights are something that must be received with gratitude when given by the government, and not something you should have a right to as a human being. They worry that the government might begrudge them even when they only ask for a mere pittance. Their hearts were gripped with fear, yet the people were haunted by a life of discontentment. That was how a superficial calm was imposed upon the country. The world did not notice what was going on . In face, the BSPP was so successful in covering up the true Burma , that Burma became a non- entity in the global scene.

The BSPP government was a semi - feudal and semi - bureaucratic administration disguised under the cloak of socialism. The key objective of the BSPP line was to promote the interests of the party and those of the privileged government leaders and their offspring.

As the years went by, people begin to feel suffocated within the confines of a system that had neglected their interests. After experiencing incidents of repression and denigration at the hands of the BSPP, they instinctively began to understand what justice truly is. They looked for, and found, the truth that was concealed from public eyes. That was when they could no longer stay patient ,In March of 1988, making use of the civil rights granted under ever state constitution, the people began to demonstrate peacefully and to express their loss of faith in the BSPP government . The BSPP responded monstrously, killing hundreds of people. That act, however, could not stamp out the resonating chants and slogans of " Human rights. Right now! ", " Democracy, our cause !" ," Abolish the dictatorship !" , and " Down with genocide!" The BSPP then prodded General Saw Maung and his army to brazenly crush the emerging people's power. The consequences were history- making. On September 18 , 1988, the military entered rural and urban communities, shooting indiscriminately in the manner of terrorists, insurgents and bandits. These were scenes not unlike those we had so often seen protect the leaders of the BSPP clique, the military, which disguises itself as the People's Defense Services, shot and killed hundreds of people, made arbitrary arrests and tortured many people. Atrocities were committed lawlessly and excessively. They even seized young girls in downtown Rangoon and publicly embarrassed them by making them shout, " People's soldiers are our husbands."
What did the military government say about the "law" at this time? Nothing! They only keep repeating" shoot on sigh" orders.

The September massacre and the September coup were plots hatched by the BSPP and a clique of military dictators. It was simply an endeavor to safeguard the interests of the BSPP, and nothing more. This is what all the people bitterly know.

In order to secure some privileges through means no self- respecting person would stoop so low to do, the military played the role of a conspirator and a henchman in a crime that will go down in history.

The fact is , the people are Nat anarchists who rebel against all governments and the ruling power. Was it not the people who, time and time again, asked for the formation of an interim government in order to prevent anarchy, correct the deteriorating administrative situation, and to hold free and fair elections ?

The people, still considering the Defense Services as a true friend, relied on it to protect them and to protect assists their interim government.

No one ever asked for the dissolution of the Defense Services, which were in fact considered the " gem of the nation" and the bulwark of the state."

The BSPP, and several high- ranking military officers, pretended not to know about the demand for an interim government, dragged the crisis on, deceived the people, and ultimately staged the coup. They claimed, and continue to claim, tat the coup was necessary due to beheading and the deterioration of the administration.

Although Defense Services personnel did not know, pretended not to know, that the coup was secretly ported by the top leaders of the BSPP and several high-ranking military officials, all the people knew well the truth, for they had evidence which they could not ignore.

The military government tried to strengthen its position with the lure of a general elections and by pointing to the beheading that took place as acts of anarchy. The people, however, know that the military government was born though the killings of thousands of innocent people. The government did not emerge by popular demand because it was not wanted by the people. Consequently, it fears and distrusts the people. The government is also worried that its lies might be exposed with its own Defense Services.

Power must come down from the people. Only then will there be guarantees for peace, freedom, happiness, development and prosperity. Violation of this rule will bring about unrest. This is a historical truth, proven many times in the past .