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    Min Ko Naing Custody
By ABSDF Info Dept., (continue..)
    Dawn news bulletin (1990)
Though young, we have reacted with cool and calm. This is a fact well known to the people. We are proud that Min Ko Naing was arrested for his just beliefs. It is and honor for him and his work. How then do we pay our tribute to him?

Min Ko Naing would not be happy if we all decide to become targets for the militarists to shoot at. Min Ko Naing would feel very sad if that were to happen. So, what we should do is to show courage and continue flying the banner that Min Ko Naing has hoisted. In other words, we should rebuke the injustices being done by the military regime and contribute to the efforts towards censuring such injustices. Only through such efforts would we be honoring Min Ko Naing and serving the interests of the people.

What the military regime should know is that we are not on a blind campaign against it .What we are against are the injustices, the lies, and the senseless rejection of guarantees for the people's future that the military regime represents.

What is should also understand is that justice cannot be kept obscured indefinitely. You can not imprison all the people and as long as there are people outside the prison walls, our cause for justice will remain alive and well.

One more thing that the military regime should know is that the historical tide can not be turned back with bullets, nor can the course of that tide be diverted with falsehoods. If you intend to pursue a frenzied course that is doomed to failure, despite the lessons history teaches us, you will not escape the people's wrath, even after death. They will go after you with a vengeance even if it means excavating your remains and putting them on trial. If the military regime truly believes that justice is on its side in arresting Min Ko Naing, then our comrade should be be brought to trial and allowed to answer the charges publicly.

With the exception of the Nazis and the Fascists regimes, this is what all reputable courts of the world do. If the military regime refuses to do that , it would amount to self-effacing the claim that it is just and fair.


Recently word was received that Min Ko Naing has been sentenced to 20 years with hard labor by a SLORC military tribunal. Many kinds of brutal torture have been used on him. According to one report, he was forced to stand in water for two weeks and now his left foot has no feeling. Some believe that it is already dead. His mother is also reported to be seriously ill.
