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All Burma Federation of Student Unions(ABFSU)
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   Letter to Student Peace Prize Committee
   (By NLD (LA) Australia)
The Chairman
Student Peace Prize Committee
International Student Festival
Postterminalen NTNU
7034 Trondheim

Date: 4 January 1999

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing to you to support nomination of Min Ko Naing for the 1999 Student Peace Award.

Min Ko Naing who was born in October 1962, was a zoology student and studied at the Rangoon Arts and Science University. He was an active student organiser in the demonstrations of the pro-democracy uprising in 1988 and he became a famous student leader of Burma.

He understands the life and plight of the Burmese people, he is against the military system and he stood up for the people. He believes in the nonviolent way to fight for democracy.

During the democracy uprising in Burma, students re-founded All Burma Federation of Student Unions (ABFSU) and Min Ko Naing became the Chairman of ABFSU.

The military regime wants to eliminate all of its opposition figures and Min Ko Naing was one of the prime targets of the authorities. Min Ko Naing is considered to be the second leader of Burma after Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

Min Ko Naing has been imprisoned since March 1989, shortly after the Burmese military junta brutally cracked-down on pro-democracy supporters.

Min Ko Naing was charged under section 5(j) of the 1950 Emergency Provisions Act for having delivered anti-government speeches and agitating unrest. He was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. Min Ko Naing has been spending his precious and youthful time in solitary confinement in the prison cell for nearly a decade.

He is allowed visits from his family only a few times a year. Aside from his family, he has been allowed only two visitors in nearly ten years' time. Yozo Yokota, the former UN special Rapporteur for Burma, and United States Congressman Bill Richardson were able to visit him both in 1994.

We really believe that Min Ko Naing not only speaks out for ABFSU but also represents all oppressed people throughout Burma and the World.

Choosing him for the 1999 Peace Award would encourage all who take part in the pro-democracy movement and would help our cause.

Yours truly,