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  MIN KO NAING "Conqueror of Kings"
                   Min Ko Naing and Thingyan Troupe
During Thingyan, or the water festival in Burma, many religious ceremonies are held as well as other forms of entertainment . One is called Than Gyat,a contest wherein troupes sing back and forth critiquing the government and other organizations.

The Than Gyat tradition has been maintained even though direct criticism was not tolerated after Gen Ne Win took power. Despite this, every Thingyan night sees many troupes roaming the city, with members wearing colorful outfits dancing and signing.

Since 1985, Min Ko Naing began composing songs and satirical plays for Thingyan festival.

Min Ko Naing and the Thingyan troupe known as "Goat (Big) Mouth and All-Seeing Eye" were very popular and won prizes whenever they competed. Unlike others, they dared to include many political jokes mocking the ruling BSPP authorities.

According to those who had seen the troupe: "The group highlighted the lack of freedom and democracy [in the country] as well the country's corrupt officials and dictators."

After one performance, Min Ko Naing noticed that military intelligence personnel followed him and his friends. Nevertheless, Min Ko Naing's determination to bring about a political change made him continue his political activities. He and his fellow student activists studied the country's deteriorating political, social and economic conditions, and planned for a political movement in the near future.

Despite the watchful eyes of Burma's notorious military intelligence, the study group managed to hold several clandestine meetings. No one learned about their activities until 1988.