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Animal rights

please support (36086 bytes)

What I'd like to know is, how can such cute cats and other animals be


And a shocker is, a lot of these people who abuse animals are around

my age- 11, 12, 13

years old- so- called innocent kids.

Please do the best you can, to spay/neuter your pets, keep them

indoors, and



Here are some banners you can put on your pages to show your support

These were made by me, so please have a link to my   main page. Please notify me if you use a

banner, so I can visit. (4685 bytes)

graphicani.gif (2137 bytes)

Animal rights pages:



Please go there and become a member. Every time you click somewhere, or become a member, you raise money for any important cause you want to! I really recommend raising money for The Cat Network.


If you have an animal rights link you would like to add to this page, email me.