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PHOTO ALBUM - tribute to my friends

Welcome to my online photo album! These are some photos of me and my friends.. ;) Hope yall like.

2 very sleepy and lazy people. Richie and Hong. Hongs a cool guy. (when he has COMMAN SENSE) haha jk. i once accdentally food poisined him. but not really. Richie's left!! =( To Uni of Washington....

GLENEALY CAMP baby! Cheung Chau... it was great. :-) Thats a pic of me, Sally, Sandra and David. Sally whose just.... *sigh* slutttt... dumbass... (jk) ISBPG pressie. But hey man. FAT PRYDE RULES =) hehe. she's also one of my 'Ga Jie's'. Sandra, one of my close frens.. always there to listein n give u advice. Too white tho... if it was a white background she'd be camouflouged!! hehe.. David is the DAI FUT FUT. hehehe

Li and Richie. This is what they'll look and dress like in 20 years time :)

Millenium Indian Dance. haha... i actually.. danced.. on stage!! NEVER AGAIN! actually it was alot of fun.. altho i dunt think i danced too great. hehe

Roy, who's now in Uni in the land of Oz. He's a great guy, Ive gotten to know him better thro emails. :-) I now look forward to the possibility of seeing 'Seymour Butt' in my mailbox whenever i check my mail. hahah..

Glenealy Camp again. Sally, Me and San.

A pic of us on the night of Millenium. Helli, Me, Sally, Juli, San, Kim, Miche.. Uhhh... i think we were trying to catch the 'last' sunset. we kinda failed cuz i 4get.. either we missed it, or it was covered by a building. heheh... Helli's another close friend who's great. always been there. Kim is KimmyKimmyChipBomBom. =-) muhahah.. one of the nicest ppl i know. Juli is velly cute.

Richie, Shum and Roy. This is again taken on the night of the Millenium.. hmm.. we didn't actually 'miss' the last sunset that much yeh? ahha.. the background is .. pinkish?!?!? Shum is my velly TALL 'dai lo'. A very cool dai lo who'se always there to listein to me whine on and on. He lives in Oz now too... I also hv one more Dai Lo called Johnny. He's a rilly nice guy. Very sensitive (i think) hahaha.

Well there's some pics of my very cool friends. hahah.. 'cool'?!?!?! damn. i accidentally deleted alot of pics in my homepage. i managed to salvage some.. but this WHOLE DAMN page was lost. ah well.. here are some replacement photos. =-) ENNJJJJJOOOOOOYyyyyy.....

Also, i dunt think i hv a pic of Jackie here... she's been my best friends snice like.... Yr 7 baby!! ill upload one soon.... :)