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pHoTo AbLuM - my 16th bday!! =)

My 16th Bday! =) i had a rilly great bday.. and i can now legally go into aracdes. heheh...

Alan.. he just turned 17, 2 days after i turned 16.. but he's rilly cute - such a kid. hehe

hmm.. Siew laughing hysterically at sth.. and Hong cool as always.. hehe *umm* jk.

Pics of David in confusion over sth.., Me, Hildi, Siew and Hong - i think they were trying to squash me into a pulp. ;(, and of Siew and Hong - in deep though.. i wunder over what. ;p

Pics of Siew and Hildi.. this is Siews face when he thinks of hilda. muehe. and Helen and Jerry. Both these couples have been together for more than a year!! and of course.. my Gingerbread house!! My friends bought it for my for my bday coz i hadnt had one b4. init so pretty? Hildi is one wierd friend. haha, nah jk. but we hv a cool friendship, she's one of my close friends, from Movies to ENGLISH!!! to ... hahah... analysis of philosophy. :) and of course... tcby Ice Cream....

Mich, Me and Karishma. HELP! they were trying to kill me.. and sally was doing a close up!! heheh... well Mich is also my 'jiejie'.. im in almost all her classes.. anywaz.. i think ive gotten to know her better. a velly cool jiejie. :)

I had dinner at Dan Ryans... some pics of ppl who went ;) The middle 2 gals in the top right pics: Chrissy and Cher. Very nice ppl. Altho.. Chrissys too sarcastic to me :( and Chers a Bitch :(. hahaa.. jk. They're great ppl. rillllly nice. btw Cher. 'Richard's' MINE.

Kim, Karishma, Michelle and Me. Ive become closer to them three lately. Theyre rilly fun to be with and cheerful most of the time. I actually bought a skirt while shopping with them - i NEVER wear skirts.

hmm.. what is sandra glaring at? what did I do!??!?! San, Me and Helli.

Hong and Me.. hongs a rilly nice guy. i dun rilly know him that well but in the words of sandra.. hes an 'angel'.

Sally, Karishma and Me at PCC b4 going to dinner on my bday.

Some of the ppl who went to Dan Ryans. ;)