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Log of Past Updates

I've been XANGA'ED!!! Recent Enteries are at:

- Mad RanTinGs


December 29th - Time is going by so fast!! =*( I only have about one week left here.. I don't want to go back. Well met up w/ Alli, Helen, Hilda and Miche today for a bit of shopping, had a chat, AND saw this "tasty" guy in Starbucks. Hahha.. =) Juss saw Alli's newly renovated homepage which has made me want to renovate mine. But with my limited knowledge and patience, I doubt it will look any different after I have finished.


December 26th - Happy Boxing Peeps!!! Right then.. I was gonna scan in more pic's and stuff & possibly write a review of how I found Rob Wills swing concert in Albert Hall.. but as soon as I started, I started feeling lazy. :p Listeining to HK radio again & juss finished watching some HK tv dramma u guys know I love. hahahaa... sooo good to be back in HK :) Going to Club Ing tonight, should be a great night out.. hope to see ya'll there! Oh yeh, I added a "Log of Updates" page to put all my past "updates" so that my front page doesn't turn into a horrendously long page. Have a good new year!!


November 24th *~ Two more weeks till I'm done w/ this quarter!! I really can't wait. Thxgiving was allright, I had a turkey and potatoes and all.. pumpkin pie for the first time ever too! watched Spy Game - which was only allright.. why do advertisers always make the preview so much better than the actual movie?! Anyhow.. TWO MORE WEEKS!! and have u guys seen Shakira's new pepsi commericial? Yaye!! She's a great singer.


November 20th *~ OOoo.. Regret regret regrets.. ever had that feeling when u realize u made an Icky decision?? Well i feel like that now.. =*( ah well.. Thxgiving holiday! and im uh.. gonna uh.. study.. uh.. yeh. I SHOULDA GONE UP TO LA INSTEAD!! im alrdy regretting not saying yes. bahhhh...


November 12th *~ Heylo, It's Vetern's Day today, so I have a day off. Had a Long and Boring weekend and no one wants to watch "Shallow Hal" w/ me.. b/c they either got too much work.. or is ill. So Richie said he'd teleport here to watch it w/ me.. but he isn't sophisticated enuf to do that.. =( Well I'm at college now, and it's wierd, nothing like what I expected it to be. It's pretty boring over here nothing much to do.. So I can't wait to be back in Dec!! One Month now!


Hey all.. It's been 2 years since I first started this homepage. Basically, this page is dedicated to you guys since it's full of your pic's. So take a look around and enjoy :) Summer 2001 is coming to an end and soon I'll be in College.. A lot of you guys have already left though.. Keep in touch!