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NAME: Kam Yin Leung

D.O.B.: 17th December 1983, St Paul's Hospital - Hong Kong

SIBLINGS: 1 younger brother - Hin Sing Leung A pic of my younger brother when he was 5 years old.

PRE-SCHOOL: Hong Kong (don't remember the name)

KINDERGARTEN: Singapore (don't remember the name)

PRIMARY SCHOOL: Defeinbaker Elementary School - Canada, Glenealy Junior School - Hong Kong

SECONDARY SCHOOL: Island School - Hong Kong

COLLEGE: Currently a Freshman at the University of California San Diego - USA

FAVE FOOD: Anything really.. :P Thass why im so flabby.. especially since i get food coma alot. Hm.. i really like japanease food, "siu lung bao", and desserts.

LIKES: Sunsets/Sunrises, Central Plaza in HK, Birds, Fish - espec PeTah Stableman I & II & Spikey & Pikey, Talkin on the phone, Surfin the net, Tetris, Clubbin, Movie Marathons & All nighters out w/ mah girlies, TV!!!! - espec HK drammas, Sleeping, Eating, Reading, Music, DMC's, Recieving Mails, Men wearing "Nightflight" or "Curve", Dimples & nice Eyes, Irish Accents, Volleyball & Skiing, Candles, Orchids.

DISLIKES: Letting Go of something good, Goodbyes, Broken Promises, Being misunderstood, Responsibility, Growing older, Fakeness, People who don't treasure their identity/culture, People who just use you, and SPITTING!!!

FAVE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: Takeshi Kineshiro, Josh Hartnett, Robert Downey Jr, Gyweneth Paltrow, Julia Stiles, Zhang Zi Yi, Julia Roberts.

FAVE SINGERS: Shakira, Lea Salonga, Robbie Williams, Andy Hui & juss good music in general.

FAVE TV: Friends, Ally McBeal, Just shoot me, Those HK drama's on TVB haha yes I know I'm Lame..

MEMORY LANE: Geography trip 1999, Cheung Chau 1999, Summer 2000, Summer 2001, Star Cruise 2001, Yr 13 Chemistry, Yr 11 English, Yr 12 Further Maths, Yr 12/13 Biology, Millenium Indian Dance, Opps I did it Again Indian Dance, Kimbies 17th Bday, My 16th Bday, Hatching of the Egg & other "home" videos.. Thank you all of you who have been a part of my life to make the last few years so great and special.

My fav. building!! =) And don't anyone diss it!!

I love the comic Calvin and Hobbes, its so cute! So beware six year old boys who have a stuffed tiger, i might just walk up and give u a bbiiiiigggggg hug! ;)

Grouse in Canada ... isnt it pretty? I wanna go Skiing!

ME: as a Baby, a Kid, and Now...

Me, My brother & my Mom sometime during summer 2001

A pic of my cute lil cousins. They're called Audrey and Emily.. They live in Oz. I also have quite a few cousins living in HK with me too.

Well, if u want u can find me on ICQ, my UIN is 5095443. If you want to find me on AIM, my screenname is kamollio1712.