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<< SUMMER 2000 at Stanford >>

Hey.. some pics of my summer at stanford. :) enjoy.. Shoutouts to JPF, The Crew, Rick, Tracy, Keeley.. and everyone else.

This is where I stayed my 8 weeks in the states. Looks nice eh?

One of the weekends there.. I went insane, and agreeed to climb up HalfDome. Trust me.. not an easy climb. The first pic is of me finally conquering halfdome. Little did I know that coming back down would be the hardest bit - thx for 'tumbling down' HalfDome with me Tasha. The 2nd is when we were halfway through.. Me and Anita thought we were WAY behind and was about to give up. Turns out we were wrong.

Some ppl from JPF - Japanease Porn Federation, which is this crazy cult. HAhah.. don't ask :) Some velly special ppl. hahah... Thats Lizzie on the left.. 'Chango'; Clara.. My 'real friend'; Nat.. 'Bulll'; Roms... CS partner; and me!! These ppl made my summer one of the best.

Sad.. but yeh. My last day there.. in fact, a few minutes b4 i left. =( Thats Keeley in the big white sweater there. Shes one of the first close friends I made there.. and I will someday (soon) kick her ass in wrestling. Tracy is the gurl in the turquoise spagetti strap, i got to know her better under 'wierd' circumstances, but she's great.. i loved our little talks :)

Another sleepless night of.. COMPUTER SCIENCE!!!

main {

int i;

printf("Romina!!, my partner who went through this with me.. Thx!!! haha, I dunt care about u.. but I'm def. NOT taking this in college.\n");

for(i=0; i<10000000000; i++)


printf("I HATE CS!!!");


printf("my god.. i forgot most of my 'knowledge' alrdy! oh well.. who cares about pointers and arrays and stacks.. Ugh\n");


our semi formal.. it was fun. :) altho the Dj sucked. hehe. but it was definetly an experience, nuthin like our IS dinner dance. Thats Deputy SAMMmmm, who was my date (southern charmer) and Liz (dec 17th!!)& Erik(Cht cht)..

Tashas bday. nice gurl... sometimes when she doesnt kill u. hehe, jk. shes the karate king. ... queen ;)

Rick Rick the player. hehe .. 'its alll gooooooood' .. he's a great guy, one of my best friends there. I'll always remember watching Old movies and eating at Zao noodle bar .. and trying to decide WHERE to study with him.. BIG PIMPIN'

pics of Me and Anastasia(the nicest and most patient person ive met.. trust me. haha. ECON.. she helped me alot); me and Christian(again, one of the nicest and sweetest guys there); me and destrey(who decided to dye his hair red halfway through to go along with the rebel image i guess? haha.. Roble Hall!!); me and Lizzie(Chango.. she's weird. haaha..jk i still love her.. jumpin out of windows and all) Nah, she's great. Lovely person.

pics of Me and Matt(FOOD STEALER!!); me and Cyrus('Pimp C').. BackRubs, Econ. what can i say?; Me and Romina(see the board behind us? we went crazy with CS)

All in all, this was a KICKASS summer! One of the best I've ever had. Altho the Econ n CS didnt go too well. hehe, but hey. I guess in a way i enjoyed all the Caffine Pills and allnighters going crazy with Roms.. stressing the rest of JPF out.. scaring the rest of The Crew by them thinking i 'work too hard' (u see SALLY??? hahah)... Rick thinking the Comp cluster was my 2nd home. And hey.. fountain hopping was definetly an experience. It was a refreshing and ... ok I'll shut up. It's starting to sound a bit like my CRAP college app. And I've about had it with them. I'm stealing money and buying a plane ticket to the states when I get rejected from all Uni's and then hitching a ride to NYC or SF to open our JPF RAMEN CENTRAL with Roms and whoever. :-) But seriously, it was great.