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MoRe *~

Here are more pic's...

Gracie on the left, Miche, Me, Jax and Sally.. this is inside our common room in my High School.. We were there every break mostly during Yr 13..

Evidence of Starbucks globalization and taking over this world. Before I left for the States in Summer 2000, there was only one starbucks that had JUST opened in the whole of HK.. When I came back... after just 2 months.. they were everywhere. They could posin us and we wouldn't even know it! Well for all those Starbux drinkers out there. hehe.. This was taken b4 Bri left.. that's Brianne on the left, Helen, Sarah, Vini, Me and Richie..

CRAZY HILDA!!!!! i hv no idea what she's doing.. but yeh.. *hmm* prolly thinking of ... some... Thing. hahaha... this was taken Xmas of 2000. My 17th BDay!!

Now this is the CLASSIC pic. hahahhahaha.... PEANUT!!!!!!!!!! =]

Now ya'll can see Helen's RUDE RUDE side. hahaha.. JKJK.. init a lovely pic.

Can u believe this Pic?? This is our Gal's only Yr 11 Science class pic. Wierd huh.. Everyone looks so different yet the same..

VINI AS A BABY!!!!!!!! what a cuttiieee! heheh JKJK..

Roy and his New Car + gal.. Init a nice car??

The guys at Star Cruise. That's Richie on the left, Keith, Shum, Vini and Hong. Siew's missing. Hmm.. I wonder where he was.. Where was Hilda?? *grin* Star Cruise was awesome.. It was great just spending so much time in close contact w/ peeps. Even hving Helen as a one night Roomate was survivable. hahaha JKJK.. U know ur a great roomie. well.. kinda.. that confession freaked me out at first. hahaha JKJK!!!!!!!!!