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University of California - San Diego

Yuppp, this is a page dedicated to all the pple i met at UCSD.

With my freshman year done with, the final evaluation of my social life and academic progress during this first year is: zilch. crap.

haha.. xP

but hey, sophmore year is coming and who knows what that may bring me.

However, I'm glad to have the chance to study in the US. I've always wanted to come to the US for College ever since I was a kid, and to have the chance to do so; i'm learning to be grateful. So even if UCSD isn't anything I imagined college life would be, it can only get better. I'm in the US where I wanted to be, and I've met people that I wouldn't have met otherwise.

I promise to try alot harder next year. I'm not going to let people down again on the academics side. And regarding the social life here at UCSD, hey, it'll come with time. Besides, I think I've grown used to just chilling and being lax. It's not that bad.
