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Mailing List
Houston Scene Mailing List

The Houston Scene
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Basically my goal is to keep The Houston Music Scene alive. We have a great city and out of this city comes great music. I try to send out mass email flyers to as many people who are interested in The Houston Music Scene as I can. I try to cover most every scene in Houston: Hardcore, Punk, Metal, Ska, Rockabilly, and Swing. If you are interested in any of those scenes and you would like to join my Houston Scene Mailing List then you can sign up by entering your email address here:

Join The Houston Scene Mailing List...
Enter your email address below,
then click the 'Join' button:

 Join the Houston Scene! 

If you are already on my Mailing List I would like to thank you for all of the continued support. I enjoy doing this and I'm glad there are people out there who care about our scene. Keep supporting the Houston Music Scene and going to shows!!!
