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Easy Cold Buffet for 100 

          Menu A with variation 'B' below

Cold Meats
Potato Salad
Tossed Salad with dressings 
Platters of slices vegetables, 
(sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, 
onions, green peppers to act as sandwich fillers.)

Assorted Bakery Buns and Breads
(to allow them to create sandwiches)
Pickles, Mayo, Mustards, Butter, Olives

Cakes or assorted desserts

15 lb. ham  
2 beef roasts, approx 10 lb. each. cooked, cooled sliced
1 20 lb. turkey cooked and deboned
or your choice of deli style turkey, cold cuts, etc. 
Total cooked weight of cold meat = 30 lb. approx.

Choose whatever fits the budget, total weight ready to eat should be as above.

Easy Potato Salad

approx. 30 lb. total weight needed

Have 15lb. of prepared potato salad for each 50 people.  
Potatoes can be peeled and cubed before cooking.  Cook potatoes one day ahead, chill.  Next day combine potato cubes with other ingredients.
Tossed salad with dressings in bowls on the side.

Make with 12 heads lettuce or purchase 12 lb. of salad mix., add cucumbers & tomatoes

OR Caesar Salad made with 17 -20 heads of Romaine

Allow 3 heads of lettuce for each 25 people.  This is an easy fill-in, fills people plates.  Can be made one day ahead

Caesar salad is more popular but is more difficult to make at the last minute.

or some of each

Choice A:

Add rolls and asstd. breads, letting them make there own sandwiches.

An assortment of rolls and fancy breads looks pretty and adds to the presentation.
Choice B:  

Add 3-4 more salads and keep it as a meal buffet.
Suggestions on the right.

Pasta Salad 
Orange Apricot Salad x 4
Shrimp Tortellini Salad x 4
Broccoli Rice Salad x 2
Country Coleslaw x5
Easy Ambrosia Salad
Desserts to fit the occasion
and the budget.  
Most desserts can be made ahead and frozen or purchased ready made. Avoid any desserts that need refrigeration such as cheese cakes (unless you have the space)
~4 ea. of 3 desserts, cake, cheesecake 
or fruit salad (one decadent, one 
chocolate, one low cal.)
or  8 x one dessert
or 4 -10 1/2 x 15 1/2 sheet cakes
or asstd. tiny bars, 2-3 per person
Wine, Beer, Pop, Punch, Coffee
Golden Glow Punch 
Pick-a-color Punch

Sun, 15 Jul 2001

I just wanted to say that I used your plan for a cold buffet for 100. 
I just cut the potato salad recipe in half for 50, and followed the menu for
 the cold buffet. It was great! We just had a graduation, birthday, and send 
of party all-in-one this afternoon. He is leaving for the Navy, and all of 
his friends were there. I couldn't believe the compliments I received from 
friends and family on how great the potato salad, ambrosia, and brownies 
were. I also saved about $250 by doing it myself instead of having a 
caterer. And with the cold buffet, I also got to enjoy myself even though I 
was the caterer. Thank you again so much. 
Sharon,  CT 

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